
Wednesday 12 March 2014

English praise songs

Verily verily you are good (3x)
Jesus You are good (3x)

I have a God who never fails (3x)
Who never fails
Jesus never fails
forever more

The most Excellency is Jesus,
Shout Hallelujah amen!
The most Excellency is Jesus,
Shout Hallelujah amen!

Hallelujah, hallelujah,  Most Excellency is Jesus (2x)

Jehovah is the Lord,
Jehovah is the Lord,
From everlasting to everlasting
Jehovah is the Lord

I will praise you Lord (I will praise you Lord)
I will praise you Lord (I will praise you Lord)

If my neighbour can not praise (I will praise you Lord)
If my neighbour can not praise (I will praise you Lord)

I will dance for you (I will dance for you)
I will dance for you (I will dance for you)

If my neighbour can not dance (I will dance for you)
If my neighbour can not dance (I will dance for you)

Open your mouth and praise the Lord
Open your mouth and praise the Lord
Open your mouth and praise the Lord
Praise the Lord, the Lord is good!

What shall I render
What shall I render
What shall I render to you o Lord
I will praise your name 
And shout Hallelujah
What shall I render to you o Lord

Angels are singing 
You are worthy O Lord
- you are worthy
You are worthy o Lord

You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord

It is good to praise the Lord!
It is good to praise the Lord!
It is good to praise the Lord!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

He has done for me ( 2x)
what my father can not do
He has done for me
what my mother  can not do

He has done for me
He has done for me
Ah Ah Ah Halleluyah
He has done for me

When I look around me
I see my Lord Jesus (4x)

Lift Jesus higher (2x)
Lift Him high for the world to see
He said “if I be lifted up from the earth
I will draw all men unto me”

You are my Father
You are my God
Blessed Redeemer
You are my God
Jehova Nissi you are my God
Jehova Rapha you are my God
Blessed Redeemer
you are my God

What a Mighty God we serve (2x)
Heaven and Earth adore Him,
Angels bow before Him,
What a Mighty God we serve!

We are here, O Father
We are here, O Son
Holy Spirit we are here
Come and take control.

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