
Wednesday 12 March 2014

English Worship Songs

Holy... Most Holy..
Is the Lord... Is the Lord...
Holy... Most Holy..
Is the Lord... 
Most High

Worthy... Most worthy..
Is the Lord... Is the Lord...
worthy... Most worthy..
Is the Lord...
Most High

Lord you are more, precious than silver
Lord you are more costly than gold
Lord you are more beautiful than diamond
There’s nothing I desire compare with you

Be thou exalted oh Lord above all the Heaven
Be Thou exalted oh Lord above all the Heaven
Let your glory be above all the earth
Let your glory be above all the earth

 Thou Art worthy
Thou art worthy oh Lord
To receive glory honor and power
For Thou Has created all things and for thy pleasure
They are and were created

#Hosanna be unto you Jesus
Hosanna be unto you Jesus

All other gods, they are the works of men
You are the only God
There’s none like you
You are the most high
You are the most high God 2*
You are the most High
You are the most high God
Daddy you are most God
Jesus You are the most high God

Jehovah is your name
Jehovah is your name
Jehovah is your name eeeeeee
Mighty warrior great in battle
Jehovah is your name

You are worthy
King of kings Lord of lords you are worthy
You are worthy
King of kings
Lord of lords I worship you

You are worthy
You are worthy to be praised
You are worthy
Jesus worthy to be praised

Holy most Holy
Is the Lord 3*
Holy most Holy
Is the Lord
Is the Lord God most high

Adonai, I worship you.
Son of God, you are so good.
Almighty God, hallow be your name,
I adonai, blessed be your name.

You are the Lord , let your name be glorified
You are the Lord; let your name be glorified.
We give you glory and honor
You are the Lord, let you name be glorified.

 You are the God I know
You are the God I know
Truly you reign
You reign forevermore
Truly you reign
Truly you reign
Truly you reign
You reign forevermore

You are the God of Jacob
You are the God of Isaac
Truly you reign
You reign forevermore Oh Lord

You are so good
You are so kind
Darling Jesus I worship you
You are so good

 You are the mighty man in battle Elshadai
You are the mighty man in battle Jehovah Nissi
You are the mighty man in battle Elshadai
You are the mighty man in battle glory to your name

Emmanuel is here
Emmanuel is here
Emmanuel is her oh praise His Holy name
Emmanuel is here
Emmanuel is here
Emmanuel is here oh praise His holy name

16. Blessings and honor and power and might
And power and might
And power and might
Blessings and honor
And power and might
Belong to our God

My God is worthy. He is worthy to be praised
Jesus is worthy; He is worthy to be praised
From generation to generation
Jesus is good
From everlasting to everlasting
Jesus is good.

You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord
You’re worthy Lord, worthy to be praised
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy Lord
Oh You are worthy Lord
Worthy to be praised.

Alpha Omega
Besides thee
There’s no other God

His name is higher
Above all other names
His name is Jesus
His name is Lord
His name is higher
Above all other names
His name is Jesus

His name is Lord

Covenant keeping God there is no one like You
Alpha Omega there is no one like You

All other gods, they are the works of men
You are the Only God
There is none like You

Jehovah is Your Name (2x)
Mighty Warrior Great in Battle
Jehovah is Your Name

Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One )
Give thanks because He’s given  Jesus Christ His Son  )2x
And now let the weak say I am strong Let the poor say I am rich )
Because of what the Lord has done for us )2x
Give thanks


  1. Jehova is your name, Jehova is your name
    From everlasting to everlasting
    Jehova is your name.

  2. I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. The Lord reigneth; blessed be the Lord may the rock of my salvation be exulted (2x).

  3. Amen,,, this song is great,,, Let us never stop worshiping Jesus...
    BTW i read some articles about praise and worship and I found it interesting... every song posted in this site has reflection... so it can help us understand about the song...
